Bald Eagles
The goal of the Bald Eagle Nestwatch Program is to protect and conserve bald eagles and their breeding habitat in the Community. The training and hiring of Community members will ensure that current and future generations of Bald Eagles will continue to inhabit and successfully reproduce in the Community.
The most significant problems affecting bald eagles today are human disturbance and loss of habitat. Bald eagles can be found near water in areas that also are attractive to hunters, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts. Eagle survival depends on the quality of life in these areas. Human carelessness can have serious consequences. Passing near a nest may disturb the eagles and cause them to abandon their eggs. Nestwatchers aid the breeding success of eagles by asking people to refrain from getting too close or disturbing the birds. Nestwatchers also educate the public and solicit cooperation in protecting the future of bald eagles.
The goals of the Community-based Nestwatch Program are:
To protect the Community nesting bald eagles, their nests and nesting offspring
To collect data on bald eagle life history, nesting habits and surrounding habitat usage
To provide information for further bald eagle conservation efforts
To educate the public about bald eagles
Bald eagle outfitted with transmitter
The bald eagle (Ba’ag) holds a prominent role in the cultural and religious practices of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh people. The Community is home to a pair of desert nesting bald eagles which continue to return to their breeding area on a yearly basis. In 2013, the DEQ established a Community-based bald eagle nestwatch program which is modeled after the AZGF Arizona Bald Eagle Nestwatch Program.