A wide variety of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles inhabit the areas throughout the Community. A variety of surveys and other data collection efforts are planned in order to develop a better understanding of current habitat and population needs. As data and information is generated, the Program will be developing relevant management protocols and guidelines to ensure the wildlife in the Community flourishes.
Since 1998, DEQ in coordination with a variety of interested and concerned GRIC governmental groups came together to host an annual bird count. The annual bird count is a multifaceted activity that brings together the Community (youth and elders), promotes cultural awareness, and at the same time teaches some environmental science. Data collected helps DEQ to determine if significant changes in bird populations are occurring over time.
Injured animals are often found within the Community and brought to DEQ by concerned Community members. Fortunately, there are organizations that have the training and equipment to care for all types of wildlife. DEQ and the Program work closely with one of these organizations for these types of issues. If you encounter an injured wild animal, contact DEQ so that arrangements can be made to safely address the issue.