The Community Applicator certification training is only applicable to employees of a Community governmental entity or a GRIC Community member. This training is required within the GRIC for those applicators that use or supervise the use of general use pesticides and are without other recognized pesticide applicator credentials. It is also a great initial training if you are interested in becoming a professional pesticide applicator.
The training is based on the National Pesticide Applicator Certification: Core Manual, was modified from presentations developed by Washington State University Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Education, and is comprised of ten (10) training modules.
Training Modules
At the successful completion of this course, the attendee will receive their Community Applicator certification card and meet the requirements of the Community’s Pesticide Code for general use pesticide applicators within the Gila River Indian Community.
To register for the training, each attendee must submit a completed an Authorization Application and attach a photocopy of a GRIC Government Department or Enterprise Employee ID, or GRIC tribal member ID.
Priority registration will be given to those applicators who must attend to ensure compliance with GR-004-22.